Meghan McCain’s Not Wrong: Repubs Had BETTER Be Scared Shitless, Too

I gave Ms. McCain some grief here some weeks back, admittedly, but when it comes to attacks from people such as Ann Coulter, count me on McCain’s side.  I have to give her due credit for standing up and saying her mind.  It certainly is not the daily feed of Repub talking points, that’s for sure.  That now-regionalized party is reduced to a working group of clowns and sycophants who every day make a mockery of their forebears (you might not have liked Reagan—I didn’t—but what would he do if he could return to witness what’s become of the “Reagan Revolution”?).  McCain’s only saying what she knows to be true, and I find it refreshing.  She’s come up with a few names, young people who miht be able to bring new ideas into the Rightist fold, where as you and I both know they’re empty of anything besides the old name-calling nonsense.  Will the old white men listen to Meghan McCain?  It’s doubtful.  These people can’t even decide whether Barack Obama is a Leftist (socialist) or Rightist (fascist), but they’re so fucking desperate that any name’ll do, looks like, so long as they’re getting in their shots.  And that’s where McCain comes in.  She’s making some good points and the Repubs would be smart to listen.

But this isn’t a boxing match.  There’s no game to be played.  We’re talking here about the human future, and if the Boehners and McConnells can’t even understand that….I won’t be a bit surprised.  Craven old Caucasians more concerned about their own personal/financial well-being than the state of the nation or the fate of the world—that’s them, folks. 

Perhaps—perhaps—the last of their kind.

About johnwylam1957

I'm a poet and teacher now living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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