Suicide at the NRA 500: Sad Irony

I think this story simply drips with irony, sure. Obviously, there’s more left to be learned (why did this person commit suicide? What was said during that final, fatal argument?), but it points out a simple fact: The presence of a gun makes killing all the easier. The knife is harder. Guns simplify the process, and that individual found out the hard way.

Personally, I would never own a gun. Absolutely not. But that’s me, and my choice. That doesn’t mean I think you should have your guns taken away, because I don’t. As to military-style weapons my feeling is they should be registered. Your pistol? It’s all about the magazine. Your hunting rifle? Um….no. I’m just worried about the AR-15 with gorilla clips. As for me, I don’t feel I should own a gun. I’ve tried them, and don’t like firing them. That’s all. But it’s just me, and if this isn’t you, then believe me when I say I understand. We’re all wired differently.

I just wonder whether Wayne LaPierre sees this unfortunate irony.

Update: Here’s the Huffington Post version of the story, which I regret to say is now (8:26 p.m. WC time) the headline on the site’s splash page. Yes, folks. NASCAR is now ass-deep in the gun controversy, like it or not.

About johnwylam1957

I'm a poet and teacher now living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
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